What Spiritual Level Are You At?

Take the Quiz and Find out.

Please choose the answer that most closely describes what you believe and think, and how you act. Make sure NOT to choose the answer that sounds the best or that which you aspire to, but the one that best describes how you currently are, regardless of your ideals.

This is very important to get you the most accurate assessment possible. This assessment is only for you and it will help you understand your strong and weak points so you can evolve to a higher level; it’s not a comparison device to share on Facebook to end up feeling inferior or superior to other people. So take your time to really consider each question and answer as truthfully and authentically as possible, because that’s how you’ll get the most out of it.

The whole quiz should only take a few minutes.

A fulfilling life means ______
Being remembered for changing the world for the better despite the personal sacrifice.
Being aligned with the universe to receive whatever is in my highest good to learn, grow, and live joyfully.
Letting go of attachment to personal desires and faithfully following the guidance of a higher consciousness to grow spiritually and be of service to the world.
Having the ability to manifest my desires and live abundantly with great personal freedom.



My main focus each day is to ______
Maintain a positive mindset and manifest my desires.
Practice mindful awareness to allow whatever is in the highest good of all to unfold.
Look forward to what blessings the universe brings me.
Do what I can or think of how to help others and make the world a better, more evolved place.



When good fortune comes my way: ______
I feel guilty about spending it all on myself, so I find ways to use it for a greater good.
I feel great about having manifested it with my positive attitude and intentions.
I receive it as a blessing that's to be used for the highest good in a way that will become clear at the appropriate time.
I’m in gratitude to the universe for giving me this gift to enjoy life more.



Someone spitefully insults me: ______
I feel hurt but accept that that’s what the universe has in store for me today and try to stay positive.
I witness my ego-reaction to the provocation and attempt to see that person from a loving perspective even as the human aspect of me feels offended.
I feel angry but suppress my emotional reaction so as not to attract negative outcomes to me.
I feel upset but try to stay as nice as possible to be a good person and help the world become better.



This physical universe is ______
Something we can directly influence with our thoughts and feelings to manifest our desires.
A challenging place that calls us to sacrifice and do whatever we can to help others and increase the collective consciousness.
A living energy that bestows us with abundance when we’re in flow with it.
A training ground for the soul for the purposes of spiritual evolution and learning the lessons of unconditional love.



What matters most in a person is ______
Their spiritual maturity and degree of liberation from egoic consciousness.
Their alignment with the universe to receive joy and abundance.
Their helpfulness and service towards others.
Their ability to control their thoughts to easily manifest their desires.



A relative is in the hospital with not much time to live: ______
I can’t lose them. I intend for a miracle and stay focused on a positive outcome within my mind.
I can’t lose them. I wonder why this is happening and how they could heal themselves by changing their thoughts and feelings.
I feel sadness and pain but keep that in check and instead focus on making them comfortable and helping them get through it and heal.
I feel sadness and pain but offer as much love and compassion as I can to ease their suffering and help them transition if it’s their time.



An acquaintance wins the lottery: ______
I feel happy for them and suggest that they put a decent amount of it toward a good cause to help others and the world.
I feel I can receive all the abundance that I need if I’m in the flow with the universe.
I feel that they’re experiencing what’s right for them and am curious how they’ll use the money.
I feel I can win too if I truly want it, believe in it, and focus on manifesting it.



The biggest enemy is ______
Poverty, injustice, pollution, greed, environmental destruction, violence, hatred and war.
Not being in the flow with the universe by grasping too much for personal desires.
Limiting beliefs, and negative thoughts and feelings that keep us in a state of lack.
Egoic consciousness that sees the world through the lens of fear and separation instead of unity and love.



Surrendering my will to a higher consciousness is ______
The only thing left to do when you've done all you can to help the world and there’s still suffering and low consciousness.
Not needed when you can be empowered to manifest your dreams and desires through right use of your mind and emotions.
The only way to ensure you do the right thing in the right way at the right time without falling prey to egoic consciousness, even with pure intentions.
The key to abundance and effortless prosperity.



The mind is ______
An instrument to put under the control of the heart or higher consciousness to lead to action for the highest good of all.
Something to use wisely and program for success and abundance.
An instrument that is best used to help others and bring peace to the world through creative intelligence.
The key to freedom and happiness when you harness its superhuman powers.



I tend to focus more on: ______
The future, my hopes, my dreams and my desires.
Being as present, conscious and aware as possible, so loving and kind action arises from me for the greatest good.
Being in the flow with the universe and being open to receive love and abundance.
The state of the world and how to help it evolve to a higher state of consciousness and make it a better, more peaceful place to live.



What makes me the happiest is: ______
Abiding in presence and realizing more clarity, wisdom and love for myself and all beings.
Manifesting my dreams and desires.
Helping other people and the world heal, grow and evolve.
Enjoying the adventure of life with wonder and excitement about what it’ll bring me.



I see myself as ______
Someone fighting for a better world with more justice, equality and higher consciousness.
The powerful sole creator of my own reality.
The happy co-creator of my own reality.
An aspect of the divine, learning to awaken to my true nature of love and kindness.



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Spirituality Quiz



But I'm also %%personality%%

