These 7 Unusual Questions Will Reveal Your
TRUE Happiness Level
(With Amazing Accuracy)
Please choose the answer that most closely represents how you actually feel or behave (not what you aspire to). If no answer fits, choose the closest one.
1. My thoughts and emotions:
Control me and are easily able to take over and put me in negative states very often.
Sometimes get the best of me, but I take them very seriously because they tell me a lot about who I truly am.
Don’t mean too much in terms of telling me who I am, but I try my best to control them and keep them positive.
Are taken lightly and regularly witnessed.
2. Regarding my attitude towards people:
I feel compassion and empathy towards all humans, even the “evil” ones that oppress and hurt others.
I feel great compassion towards the oppressed and victimized, and anger towards the oppressors and victimizers.
I find it difficult to put myself in the shoes of others to really feel compassion towards them.
I have enough of my own problems and emotional turmoil to care about trying to feel what others feel.
3. When things seem to be going wrong in my life:
I get extremely frustrated, angry, or depressed for extended periods of time.
I get frustrated, angry, or depressed for some time but I’m eventually able to will myself into a positive state.
I experience some frustration and anger, but I don’t get depressed and I return to a state of clarity relatively quickly.
I experience very little frustration and anger (if any), as I handle hardship and the stresses of daily life with consistent calmness and clarity.
4. My core beliefs and opinions:
Are not very important. I don’t fully trust them and am careful not to cling to any of them.
Are important but regularly change as I go through life and encounter different perspectives.
Are quite important and rarely change because they’re a part of me.
Are extremely important to me. They’re a big part of who I am, and I defend them with passion.
5. When making major decision:
I become deeply aware of my inner body and follow what it intuitively communicates is the right path to take.
I think it through extensively, weigh pros and cons, and do the logical thing if it also feels right in my body.
I think it through extensively, weigh pros and cons, and do the purely logical thing.
I get overwhelmed and turn to others for direction.
6. My sense of centeredness and aliveness is:
High; I most often feel a deep sense of centeredness and vibrant engagement with what’s happening in my life.
Somewhat high; I often feel centered and engaged with what’s happening in my life.
Low to neutral; I usually don’t feel very centered or alive, and I don’t find my life very engaging.
Very low; I most often feel dead inside and experience little to no engagement with what’s happening in my life.
7. In my meditation practice:
I regularly experience expanded states of consciousness, deep connection, a quieting of the mind, and profound insights or emotional release.
I am able to feel centered, peaceful and relaxed, more often than not.
I struggle to feel a sense of peace or connectedness because the majority of the time my mind is very active or going crazy.
I don’t meditate or do any form of mindfulness practice.
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TWM Quiz Happiness
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